Embark on a comedic journey of self-discovery with "Who Am I?" as the fabulous Twitchy Love takes the spotlight! Join Twitchy on a rollercoaster of laughs and contemplation, exploring the intricate layers of being a drag queen. Is she her own diva, a character, or the unfiltered essence of Dan, unapologetically unleashed?
Prepare for sidesplitting revelations, cheeky confessions, and, of course, some hilarious butt plug banter!
This stand-up comedy spectacle is more than just punchlines; it's a celebration of embracing every facet of oneself with humor, heart, and a whole lot of bearded fabulousness. Don't miss the dazzling journey of "Who Am I?" – where the only certainty is an evening filled with laughter and self-love!
Poster Drawing by Hugo Terrestrial